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Welcome to our podcast archive. For our full website, with articles, videos, and other resources related to the podcast, go to ConsideringCatholicism.com.
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
In this snapshot, Greg discusses why it's important to take death seriously in a culture that doesn't, and takes comfort in Catholicism which offers a coherent, comprehensive, and mature approach to death, dying, and remembering those who have gone before us.
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Visit the website: https://www.consideringcatholicism.com/
Read the rest of this entry »Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
For secular folks this is Halloween, for Catholics it's the eve of All Saints Day, but for Protestants it's Reformation Day, when Martin Luther nailed his complaints against the Catholic Church to a cathedral door in Germany. Today, Protestants celebrate what they imagine is a heroic and prophetic scene. But as Greg explains in this snapshot, it's nothing to celebrate.
Please support the podcast: https://givebutter.com/BaUAnz
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Greg and Ed discuss the concept of happiness and the responsibility to cultivate happiness in one's life. Pursuing immediate gratification does not lead to genuine happiness, but rather, pursuing goodness, truth, and beauty can bring lasting joy. They also touch on the negative impact of consuming negative media and the importance of surrounding oneself with positivity. We all have a duty to pursue a more positive and joyful outlook in life.
Please support the podcast: https://givebutter.com/BaUAnz
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Snapshots are a type of episode: around 10 minutes on a single topic. Today, Greg follows up on a recent episode about whether UFOs are aliens, angels, or something else. What should Christians, and Catholics in particular, believe? Greg reviews and recommends a new book on the topic: "Only Man Bears His Image" by Daniel O'Connor.
Please support the podcast: https://givebutter.com/BaUAnz
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Greg answers questions sent in by listeners (send your own to consideringcatholicism@gmail.com!):
Please support the podcast: https://givebutter.com/BaUAnz
We are a small non-profit ministry dedicated to educating and equipping people to live, share, and defend the historic Catholic faith. We receive no support from any organizations and rely completely on the generosity of our listeners. Help us to keep going and expand this ministry.
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Greg and Ed have an honest talk about what stewardship means. Because our life is a gift, God expects us to try and become the best possible versions of ourselves that we can be.
Please support the podcast: https://givebutter.com/BaUAnz
We are a small non-profit ministry dedicated to educating and equipping people to live, share, and defend the historic Catholic faith. We receive no support from any organizations and rely completely on the generosity of our listeners. Help us to keep going and expand this ministry.
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Greg was traveling in the Rocky Mountains last week, and revisited a contemporary evangelical Protestant church that he attended sometimes before he converted to Catholicism. These are his reflections on the differences that he noticed seeing it again through Catholic eyes.
Please support the podcast: https://givebutter.com/BaUAnz
We are a small non-profit ministry dedicated to educating and equipping people to live, share, and defend the historic Catholic faith. We receive no support from any organizations and rely completely on the generosity of our listeners. Help us to keep going and expand this ministry. Contact Greg at ConsideringCatholicism@gmail.com.
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Greg and Ed talk about Halloween. Can Christians participate? Are its origins really in the Catholic Church incorporating pagan Celtic rituals? And has the Church adopted pagan rituals throughout history, including Easter celebrations?
Please support the podcast: https://givebutter.com/BaUAnz
We are a small non-profit ministry dedicated to educating and equipping people to live, share, and defend the historic Catholic faith. We receive no support from any organizations and rely completely on the generosity of our listeners. Help us to keep going and expand this ministry.
For decades, Greg Smith, M.Div, was a Protestant pastor, missionary, and writer until his ”Road to Rome” brought him into the Catholic Church. Now he shares what he found with anyone who is curious about the Catholic faith. Join him as he answers questions, explores topics, visits places, interviews guests, and discovers the True, the Good, and the Beautiful in ”the faith that was once and for all given to the saints.”
Greg serves as the Dean of the Lakeshore Academy for the New Evangelization and founder of One Whirling Adventure.
Learn more at OneWhirlingAdventure.org.